<aside> 💡 Brief overview


2022 Fall

Note 2: Decoupling for Interval

Note 3: Wave-packet properties

Note 4: Loomis-Whitney Theorem and Multilinear Kakeya Theorem

Note 5: Restriction Problem and a proof of Multilinear Restriction Theorem

Note 6: Bourgain-Guth Method

Note 7: A weak version of decoupling for the paraboloid

Note 9: Continue narrow case in note 7

2023 Spring

Note 10: Application of decoupling theory in eigenfunction related problem

Note 12: Proof of full decoupling theorem part 1

Note 13: Proof of full decoupling theorem part 2

Note 14: Strichartz inequality on tori

Note 15: Waring problem, Circle Method, Weyl Method